Blessing Box
Samuel Coffman is a local teen with a heart for other teens in his community. He and his friends help hundreds of teenage students in our Muncie community by leading the Blessing Box Project. The Blessing Boxes offer an anonymous way to grab necessities on the way to and from school. Individuals can take items they need in a discreet manner so anyone can feel comfortable to take items they need.
Sam says: “The Blessing Box Project is a continual project led BY students FOR students! We partner with educators and community leaders to lift up students for a better today and an even brighter tomorrow. This is because we know that when students are given resources to thrive, their education is only the start of a life of self-sufficiency and prosperity. We lift up students to lift up communities.”
It all began 3 years ago. Sam and his family went on a mission’s trip to the Dominican Republic. Before leaving, Sam prayed that God would reveal something to him that would break his heart and give him the ability to help. A few days later, Sam’s prayer was answered! He saw an ad for a ministry in Indy that reached homeless teenagers. As he was looking at the ad, a light bulb turned on in his head. He knew when he saw the ad that he was meant to serve his community in this way. He knew Muncie had the need and was ready to fill it!
So Sam wasted no time. He gathered with 15 of his peers to help collect items for the blessing boxes. These students gather items, package them and distribute them to boxes in the community. Sam also formed a leadership team with three adults and three teens. Each team member spends 5-10 hours per week on top of school, extracurricular activities, and college prep to help to make sure each box is filled with necessities every day!
In the summer, water is a huge need. In the winter, hats and gloves are a hot commodity. However, no matter the item, there is never anything left over. Sam and his team are thankful to be providing for teens in Muncie in this way. Sam was called to fill a need in his community and was faithful to follow that call and now hundreds of teens in Muncie Indiana have access to necessities so they can be their most productive selves.
Help support Sam and his team this holiday season! Here’s how you can get involved:
Each YMCA of Muncie location will have a blessing box out to collect donations for winter. All necessities are accepted but here are some ideas:
Packaged/canned food
Body wash