Park Walk and Work Out
DCFC soccer season and JAA baseball and softball seasons, as well as Munciana Volleyball all keep the Yorktown Sports Park lots busy! The gravel parking area on the south side of the Yorktown Sports Park is also available for Y members. Although it might seem more inconvenient to park further from the building on these busy days, remember that getting in extra steps provides aerobic and cardiovascular benefits. Just think of it as a warm up to your work out!
Yorktown Sports Park Partners
Town of Yorktown: www.yorktownindiana.org
Delaware County Futbol Club: www.dcfcsoccer.org
Munciana Volleyball: www.munciana.com
Yorktown Junior Athletic Association: www.yorktownjaa.org
Yorktown High School Athletics: www.ihigh.com/yorktowntigers
Hours of Operation
Mon – Thu: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Fri: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM – Noon
Sun: Closed
Play & Learn Hours
Mon- Thur: 9:00 AM – Noon and 4:00 – 7:00 PM
Play & Learn is available for ages 6 months – 9 years. Maximum occupancy of 10 children.
What is 24/7 Access?
The Yorktown YMCA offers 24/7 Access to our members; you must be a member to have access. This allows our members to have a wellness option when they cannot or prefer not to workout during our normal business hours. This service is available at the Yorktown YMCA.
Sign up at the Yorktown YMCA today! If you are unable to sign up during normal business hours reach out to Gretchen Fields at gfields@muncieymca.org to set up an appointment.
You’ll Receive:
Access after normal business hours
Low annual fee
Personal key fob for entry
Available at the Yorktown location
This will be an additional $25 annual fee per member. This is non-refundable.
If fob is lost, a replacement fob will be $10.
Members will enter through the Child Watch security door via their key fob.
When members sign up for this service, there will be an orientation and additional waivers required.
Must be 18 years of age for the 24-hour access (no dependents, infants in a car seat, or teenagers under 18 years old).
Key fob access is non-transferable. There will be zero tolerance for letting someone else use your fob or letting someone come in with you that doesn’t have a fob.
The facility will not be staffed during the hours of fob-access only. Staff will be present during normal operating hours. See normal operating hours below.
The amenities that will be available 24/7 include: wellness center, indoor walking track, group exercise room, and a single-use bathroom. All other additional amenities (locker rooms, showers, Child Watch, and lobby) will be be available during normal staffed hours only.
The facility is monitored with cameras at all times and footage will be reviewed regularly by YMCA staff.
There will be no additional snow removal for this 24-hour access. Members may come at their own discretion and risk.
An AED, first-aid kit, and working phone will be available at all times.
*The facility will not be staffed during the hours of fob-access only. Staff will be present during normal operating hours. See our normal operating hours below.
Mon – Thur: 8am-8pm
Fri: 8am-6pm
Sat: 8am-12pm

Play & Learn and Teen Engagement Spaces
Bring your children to come play at the YMCA! We feel now more than ever it’s important for you to enjoy some self-care time and your children to come and enjoy fun time at the Y!
Anne Marie Davis
Gretchen Fields, Executive Director of Member Experience
gfields@muncieymca.org, 765-286-0818
Our Play and Learn and Engagement Space will be available for drop-in use. Space will be limited to a first come, first-served basis.
Children may stay in these spaces for a maximum of two (2) hours per day.
No snacks or drinks other than water may be brought in.
We do not change diapers or help in the bathroom. If your child needs to be changed or needs help, we will locate you and notify you.
Children must be signed in and out by the same person unless other arrangements are made with the staff on duty.
All of your children’s belongings should be labeled with his or her name. We are not responsible for lost of stolen items.
Parents/Guardians MUST REMAIN within the YMCA building while their child is in our care.
Yorktown YMCA Hours
Mon – Thur: 8:00AM – 12:00PM and 4:00 – 8:00PM
Fri: 8:00AM – 12:00PM
Yorktown YMCA Age Limits
Play & Learn: 6 weeks - 8 years
Maximum occupancy 10 children